Marriage Enrichment Retreat January 31-February 1
The 2025 Marriage Enrichment Retreat is going to be different but just as good as it always has been! We have decided to move the retreat to the church so that more couples can be involved. The date for the retreat is January 31-February 1, 2025. The cost is $50 per couple and is nonrefundable. Friday night’s session begins at 6:30 and will dismiss by 9:00 pm. It includes a STEAK DINNER, great teaching, and lots of quality fellowship with your friends from Milestones. The Saturday morning session starts at 9:00 am and concludes by 11:00 am and includes a light breakfast. The teaching and fellowship are even better on Saturday! Spread the word about the retreat. Couples do not have to attend Milestones to participate.
If you plan on attending, please fill out the form below and use the give link to pay your $50 using the “Milestones Marriage Retreat” option from the dropdown menu. Thank you!